Thursday 25 April 2013

March 4  Boyce Thompson Arboretum

A perfect day to be outside and we could take the dogs with us. Kit, Howard, Lloyd and I drove into the hills east of Mesa, on the way to Globe to visit this wonderful place. It was beautifully laid out, with lovely desert gardens, paths winding up through the hills and lots of shady places to sit, rest and reflect.

If you would like to see more of the Arboretum, check this out:
Lloyd and Toby did most of the reflecting while the rest of us walked up the trail that circles through the valley, finding many places to stop and admire the view, and of course, take a few pictures.

A tinge of green on the desert floor.  
We have seen lots of new flowers appear in the few days we have been here.

Getting ready for the weekend plant sale.

Pretty, but with very stiff, sharp spines

Kit with the aloe. Howard helped by holding the dog leash. :)

A typical mountain view

Quite a variety of plants

The path winding along the base of the hills. We were glad it wasn't hot!

Barb and Max. Lloyd and our old dog, Toby, stopped along the way to wait for our return.

I just have to take photos of strange rock formations.

Exotic daffodils

A few early blooms


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