Sunday 15 April 2012

The Music and Dance of Santa Susana

I have posted the following short videos there for those of you who are interested:
  • The Music of Santa Susana
  • Santa Susana Tango
  • Traditional Argentinian Dance
  • Dance of ‘las boleadoras’
They all performed with such energy. It was fun to see them again. I was lucky to be seated close to the stage, and unlucky to be looking into the bright sunshine through an open door, but that's the joy of casual photography! I was not using a tripod, so hesitated to zoom in and out - thus the missing 'top of the head' when the performers moved to the front of the stage.

     The Music of Santa Susana

    Santa Susana Tango

     Traditional Argentinian Dance

     Dance of ‘las boleadoras’

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